
New Lifetime Show: Drop Dead Diva...Should I be offended??!?

I am currently watching the pilot episode of a new show on lifetime television called Drop Dead Diva. My mom told me I might be interested in it, I had no idea what is was about. I am not sure what to think about it yet. However the stero typing is sooo annoying. The premise of the show is that a size 2 tall, shallow, blonde model gets killed and gets sent back to earth but has to use a the body of someone who is still alive but dying. She goes in the body of a chunky, shorter, smart, brunette. When she sees she is now fat she asks: "You sent me to hell?????!!!!!!"


And to be fair, why does the attractive skinny blonde have to be stupid?

There was lots and lots more.

If you catch the show. Let me know what your thoughts are...


  1. I've never seen it but... I essentially have this, ohhh, i don't know what to call it... value? I don't watch shows that do things like that... I feel it's an insult to my intelligence... I'm secretly hoping that someone along the way will realise during one of those ratings weeks (though, I'm sure they do it all the time) that I prefer shows that require more than just crude humour.

    I guess is, if you're doubting it -- then -- it's not such a good job. You've clearly got brains so don't submit to the shows tasteless humour :)

  2. Anji- I totally agree. Once I started watching, I just couldn't stop. I was so apalled. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. I won't be watching it again, however I just had to write about it. Yikes!

  3. I've seen commercials but I don't have cable.

    I'd be tempted to watch it to see just how bad it gets...

  4. Hi! Wow! It is amazing how our own personal life experiences shape our views. Below is a link to my blog entry about Drop Dead Diva.

    Now, I must say that I do not care for the show any longer because it has become a bit too racy for my little people. We stopped watching it because there were too many bedroom scenes.

    Admittedly, I am not terribly overweight but I have a real mental illness when it comes to weight issues. I absolutely abhor being judged on my appearance and pray that my children grow up with the wisdom to look at other human beings with intelligence and warmth.

    I love the pictures on your blog. The quality is excellent and you have a clever eye.

    Warmest Diva Regards,

    Denise Burks


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