
Moving on from defeat...

Well, January certainly turned out exactly the opposite of what I planned. I thought I had successfully gotten through the holiday season and I was home free. It’s easy to live healthy in January isn’t it? Well after you throw in a construction project, and horrible car accident, and a hand full of other stresses between work and home what do you get: a derailed lifestyle plan!! It makes me sad that I was derailed mostly because life can be stressful, and I wanted to make sure I did not deal with the stress via food. However once everything got out of control I used it as an excuse to eat comfort foods. Once I was off track for a week, I avoided the scale like the plague just knowing I had gained all my weight back.

I tried to restart a couple times during the month, but I failed every time. Lack of will power and lack of preparation defeated me.

Today is the first time I have stepped on the scale since early January. I was shocked by what I saw. I was exactly the same weight I was when I last checked. I was happy, even though I knew the scale was only telling a half truth. I may have been the same weight but I know I did gain some fat and lose some muscle. My body does not feel the same at all and my clothes are a little tighter. I am still more grateful than ever not to have to lose the same blasted pounds twice. I have done that too many times in my weight loss history.

I have my exercise and eating planned for the week just like I used to. I am back to logging my foods. I have my house stocked full of the good stuff and chucked any junk we had laying around. I banished the diet soda again. (I was so proud to have been off that crap for months, and then I blew it) At this point I will be elated to even lose one pound this week. After 3 weeks of bad behavior I know my body will rebel against weight loss. I am also sure I will go through detoxification again, which I hate! It’s the headaches that kill me the most. Advil here I come!

So, January started off pretty badly, but thankfully it is ending on a sweeter note.


  1. I'm pretty much in the same boat with you. Even back to drinking soda, I was so excited at the begining of this month....well tomorrow is a new day.

  2. Sounds like you have a good plan of attack for the next week. Keep focused on what will motivate you - reading another dieter's success story? Keeping the fridge stocked with fruits and veggies? You can do it! So glad the weight is the same - now convert some of that fat to muscle! :)

  3. There is no link to follow your blog. Please add FOLLOW THIS BLOG link.

  4. Thank goodness today (well not when you posted but when I'm posting this comment) is the start of February and you can feel like you can start fresh again. Congrats on catching yourself early and making the necessary changes to get yourself back on track. THAT takes strength and I knew you had it in you!

  5. great site. the food log is good. keep positive.

  6. Wars are won as a result of many battles -- some of defeat, some of victory. Often it's those we think of defeats, are those in which still gains are made...

    Pick yourself up, dust your knees off and away we go :)
