
Obese and Gorgeous?

Can a woman be both obese and gorgeous? This thought was spurred by a conversation I had with some friends a couple days ago.

Can these two adjectives co-exist in one person or does the obese person with some gorgeous feature(s) have to lose weight before she is truly gorgeous? Have you ever found an obese person gorgeous? Your thoughts? (Oh and if you would mention whether you are obese or not.)


  1. I think that a woman can be obese and gorgeous...

    For me I can think of two really specific cases. One was a photo I saw of Beth Ditto on stage. The first thing that came to mind was, holy shit, this chick is HAWT.

    And I'll give you another example of someone who's not famous. A friend of mine is obese got dressed up to go out with me to a bar a while back. She looked stunning...and I should note that I was not the only one to think so, she got hit on more than me!

    *no, I'm not obese.

  2. As you well know... I am obese (morbidly). I think women can definately be obese and still hot and even gorgeous.

    The greatest example I can think of right off the top of my head is... well you! The picture you have on your blog is a gorgeous woman. You have gorgeous eyes, sexy lips, beautiful hair and flawless skin. What's not to love?

    I don't mean to yank my own chain but I've always thought of myself as pretty darned pretty (why do I feel like I should be feeling bad for thinking I'm pretty and saying it outloud?). Most of my adult life was spent around 280 pounds and I have always felt that I looked good. Now that I've lost some weight I feel like I look better but that's not to say that I didn't feel and look good before.

    As far as being in the public eye Queen Latifa (maybe she is just overweight, not obese) is and always has been a downright gorgeous woman and she is no small thing. Rikki Lake is another expample of an unthin yet extremely gorgeous woman.

  3. I think you can...though for myself, I think I look MUCH better when I'm thin, but that's mostly because I FEEL better and I DRESS better.

    Gorgeous, sexy, etc...can be a state of mind.

  4. Hell yes! I am not obese but I have the most beautiful cousin who is:)

  5. This might sound contrite, but isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder? Yes, I think it's *very* possible for an obese woman to be beautiful. Two formerly obese women I think were just as beautiful fat as they are thin include Oprah and Kristy Alley.

    *I'm not obese, but I am overweight (163lbs at 5'6).

  6. Without a doubt. Not everyone is attracted to the same ideals of beauty (thin, blonde, blue-eyed or even brunette, chubby, brown-eyed). I don't think there's such a thing as universal attractiveness.

  7. I've definitely seen gorgeous obese woman. And I am obese by the way.

  8. Definitely; there is nothing that states you have to be a size 0 to be beautiful. Most guys I know (myself included) actually prefer a little meat on a girl's bones.

  9. Thanks for your insight...I thought I would ask you guys because I was talking to a friend that said an obese person can have gorgeous features but not be gorgeous because part of being gorgeous is being healthy looking and obese people are not healthy....so after she said that I truly wondered what others thought.

  10. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard "You have such a pretty face!" which I take to mean "it's too bad you're so fat". But to answer your question I personally feel the two terms are not mutually exclusive, but I'm not sure everyone else feels the same way.

  11. I think so. Gorgeous is not just about looks. Your carriage and persona play a role in it too. I think you are beautiful and while I have my funky days, I have been told that I am beautiful too so I guess so. By the way, I am obese.

  12. Well, in looking at YOUR picture, I can absolutely say that someone can be heavy and be absolutely stunning!

    And I'm a big girl:)
