
Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I turned 27. No, its not a milestone birthday in the conventional sense, however I hope for it to be a milestone for me. I hope it is the last birthday I ever spend over 300 pounds. This time next year I hope to be well under 300 pounds and living a healthy life. Here's a toast to the journey!


  1. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day. And this WILL be the last birthday that you weigh over 300 pounds! Just think positive and take it one step at a time. :)

  2. Happy, happy birthday! This makes you a Leo too right? I shoulda known! : )

  3. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear "a girl worth losing!" Happy birthday to you!

    Or as they sing in Dutch "lang zal je leven! Lang zal je leven! Lang zal je leven en de gloria...en de gloria...en de gloria! Hip er de pip! Hoorah!!!!

    I can't wait to see what you'll be posting next year. What a reflection that will be, both in your blog and in the mirror!

  4. Happy Birthday! Wishing you a wonderful year filled with every success that you desire.

  5. Happy Birthday, hope it's a great one! :)

    Next one you will be under 300 and healthier to boot!!!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday!!! This will be your "get fit" year... and mine too!

  7. you go girl! I will visit and root for your success!!

  8. Happy late birthday!

  9. Hope you had a beautiful day surrounded by those you love--and who love YOU!

  10. You know, this is a great way to look at it. I'll be 24 in 2 weeks, and I also hope that it's my last/only birthday over 300!
